Tuesday, May 13, 2014

#243 Lots of Fashion Star goodies...

Dear Readers,

Sometimes it's the little things in life that you take for granted and then miss them like crazy when you don't have them. Something silly like shadows in my viewer. Since I've updated my viewer, I can't use shadows. Please Mr Viewer, give me back my shadows ;-)

So today I'm dressed in a lot of Liv Glam items. I'm wearing SLink High shoes by Liv Glam called "Gala Pump". The outfit that I'm wearing is also Liv Glam and called  "Big in Japan".

The jewelry that I'm wearing today is a new release by Baubles. This set comes with both scripted and non scripted bangle and necklace. 

Anne from Dulce Secrets has released a new skin and she has appliers for almost every thinkable thing that you can purchase as well. The Kenzi skin is available at Fashion Stars so make sure to get yours for a very reasonable price. 

The Look

Happy Shopping <3

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