Tuesday, June 3, 2014

#267 Moolala @ Fashion for Life

Dear Readers,

Almost everybody knows about Fashion for Life (hereafter FFL) and the ones who are new to SL will find out soon. Everybody has their own story when it comes to cancer. It's everywhere around us. In short I will share my story with you and I'm also showing you the Rylee Ruffle Pants suit by Moolala, participant for the FFL event.

My parents divorced when I was 5. My granddad was my father. I got violently ill when I was 6 and I got wrongly diagnosed with a rare type of bone cancer due to thousands of fractures in my bones. Later it was found out that I had a problem with my kidneys and didn't hold any calcium in my body. I got behind in school, in social interactions but my grandfather was a constant factor in my life. When I turned 18 it was him that received the bad news. He had pains in his knee. After numerous painful testing it became clear he had cancel all over his body and there wasn't much more they could do. It took him a year to finally leave this life. He carried his burden like a hero, a warrior. He was in so much pain but he never showed it. This is a tribute to the man that mattered to me most. My grandfather.

Please donate, do it for the ones that are suffering today and to help stop the suffering tomorrow.

Fashion For Life is an event supporting Second Life’s Relay For Life campaign to raise funds for the American Cancer Society. It will run from June 7th through June 20th from midnight to midnight. All Fashion For Life events will happen during that time period.

In addition to 10 sims of fashions, there will be runways shows and a lookbook organized and sponsored by Best of SL under the direction of Reign Congrejo. There will also be live music and DJs organized and sponsored by Zenzibar’s Zzoie Zee.

While Relay For Life has several mega-events, there is only one called Fashion For Life. Any other event calling itself by that name is not affiliated with Relay For Life and not an official Relay For Life event.

The Look

Happy Shopping <3

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