Wednesday, June 4, 2014

#270 Take the long way home...

Dear Readers,

In today's blog I'm showing you a new release by Snowpaws called "Soyeux Mesh Cocktail Dress". She released it in 4 different colors and I've chosen to wear the Ruby one because of the way the color pops.

The cocktail dress is a one piece set in standard mesh including the hair and chest branch accessory. I've accessorized with high sexy heels by Highrize, pretty SLink polish by Zoz and jewelry by Zuri Rayna.

The SLink polish can be found at Fashion for Life, please read details below.

Fashion For Life is an event supporting Second Life’s Relay For Life campaign to raise funds for the American Cancer Society. It will run from June 7th through June 20th from midnight to midnight. All Fashion For Life events will happen during that time period.

In addition to 10 sims of fashions, there will be runways shows and a lookbook organized and sponsored by Best of SL under the direction of Reign Congrejo. There will also be live music and DJs organized and sponsored by Zenzibar’s Zzoie Zee.

While Relay For Life has several mega-events, there is only one called Fashion For Life. Any other event calling itself by that name is not affiliated with Relay For Life and not an official Relay For Life event.

The Look

Happy Shopping <3

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