Wednesday, June 11, 2014

#280 Lyrical Bizarre at Fashion for Life

Dear Readers,

Being able to blog a lyrical b!zarre item in this blog is exciting! Her work is really good, in particular her mesh items and very affordable too, especially since she sells templates.

Fashion For Life is an event supporting Second Life’s Relay For Life campaign to raise funds for the American Cancer Society. It will run from June 7th through June 20th from midnight to midnight. All Fashion For Life events will happen during that time period.

In addition to 10 sims of fashions, there will be runways shows and a lookbook organized and sponsored by Best of SL under the direction of Reign Congrejo. There will also be live music and DJs organized and sponsored by Zenzibar’s Zzoie Zee.

Please donate by clicking here.

The Look

Happy Shopping <3

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