Saturday, March 8, 2014

#159 Feeling Blue...

Dear Readers,

In today's blog I'm all about blue. I have done blue blogs often, I guess I'm attracted to the color. Sometimes I get the question what color of an item I would like to receive. I always give back the same reply. All colors are welcome. Give me difficult items, give me odd colors, give me anything. I'm up for the challenge and if I pull off a bad one, I learn from the experience :-)

In this blog I'm showing you a breathtaking new ring by Zuri Rayna. This is an engagement ring called Dove and if you buy the Elite version, you get to change gems into 11 different colors. 

The nails are by Zoz of coz :-D. These are another one of her gatcha garden items. For 29LD per go these cute nails could be yours.

The necklace and ear rings that I'm wearing are by Stars! She has released 2 different sets for The Kollective March and for this occasion I'm wearing her "Winter Rain" set.

The Look

Happy Shopping <3

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