Wednesday, August 13, 2014

#364 The good life...

Dear Readers,

Wouldn't it be great, a nice house at the beach, enjoy the sun and enjoy life without a worry on our mind?

In today's blog I'm showing you a new release by Amarelo Manga called Isabel. It comes in a variety of different colors and is fully mesh. 

The SLink high shoes that I'm wearing are also by Amarelo Manga and these are called Gladiator Sandals. They come with a color changing hud so you have options.

The hair and jewelry that I'm wearing can be found at Collabor88. It has been really hard to get onto their sim but if you try in off hours, you will be able to tp in.

And as usual, the slurls to all other items I'm wearing can be found below.
*Please note that I always give the SLURLS to the location where you can buy the items. This doesn't always have to be a main store and more often is event related.

The Look

Happy Shopping <3

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