Wednesday, August 13, 2014

#365 One of those days...

Dear Readers,

Today is one of those days where dressing casual is key while hanging out with "junky the cat".

In this blog I'm showing you a new skin by WoW Skins as well as an outfit by Stars Fashion. 

Let's start of with the skin. Wow Skins has released a beautiful skin that has a bit of an Asian look on my shape. Absolutely love it. The skin is available in milk, bronze, tan & darktan and fully packed with appliers. The skin is called Becky and is available at the District 5.

Then the outfit that I'm wearing comes in standard and fitted mesh. The shoes are included as well and are for SLink high feet only. This outfit is called Safari and available at the main store.

And as usual, the slurls to all other items I'm wearing can be found below.

*Please note that I always give the SLURLS to the location where you can buy the items. This doesn't always have to be a main store and more often is event related.

The Look

Happy Shopping <3

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